Algorithmic Operations: Lessons from Bandit Algorithms
Taking inspiration from bandit algorithms, we propose a framework for effective algorithmic operations.
A Reliable Contextual Bandit Algorithm: LinUCB
In this post, we learn about contextual bandits and the reliable linUCB algorithm.
Contextual Bandits as Supervised Learning
This posts explains contextual bandits as a generalization of supervised learning.
How to Understand Recommender Systems
The wide literature on recommender systems obscures their commonalities. This post highlights what makes them similar, offering a simplifying perspective.
Evaluating Recommender Systems
A few things worth considering when evaluating a recommender system.
Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra
Some follow up questions from my video on Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra
A View into Government Cybersecurity
I attended the Rocky Mountain Cyberspace Symposium to understand government and industry efforts to bolster the nation's cybersecurity.
Reinforcement Learning at Lyft
A few comments on the Reinforcement Learning work done by my colleagues at Lyft
When does the Delta Method approximation work?
I explore when the Delta Method approximation works and fails.
Good Data Science is Mostly Dispatch
Most of what explains a job well done is the choice of tool.